Strappado For Spammers

I get a dozen or so spam comments every day, most of which get caught in moderation and deleted before you ever see them. Last week, amidst the spam was a collection of link drops from a cheesy sex toy seller, in the form of several bogus “I get all my sex toys at…” fake customer testimonials by someone supposedly named “Christine.” Totally normal stuff.

So today I get, of all thinks, a link exchange request from that same cheesy retailer. This was at least a little bit personalized, because they specified where on the blog they wanted me to put their link. This request was signed “Lisa”, but the email came from the same email server as “Christine’s” comment spam.

So of course I replied to Lisa with a copy of her spam and some choice words concluding with “FUCK OFF.” And here’s a graphic that conveys some of my warm fuzzy mood toward Christine/Lisa:

strappado treatment for a spamming bitch

Just how stupid do these fucking spammers think we are?

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

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4 comments on “Strappado For Spammers”:

Meghan commented on December 30th, 2005 at 1:22 pm:

She’s seriously about to dislocate her shoulder. I wonder who she spammed, eh?

Woogaus commented on December 30th, 2005 at 9:30 pm:

I think the spammers should be roped up this way, then have a large powered toy inserted in each avaiable opening and turned up to max. power for 5 minutes for each spam they sent out.


Meg commented on December 31st, 2005 at 6:54 pm:

Well, since they are both a fat old guy named Dick who is wearing a grubby undershirt and suspenders, and who has an overflowing cigar ashtray in his ratty den, they likely think you are amazingly trusting.

Rope Guy commented on January 5th, 2006 at 2:41 pm:

Meg, trusting? Didn’t you see the skeptical quotes I put around the names?

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