Chains and Punji Sticks
This horrible predicament bondage comes to you courtesy of artist Basil Gogos, as featured recently on the Men’s Adventure Magazines blog which I discovered via links on Spanking Blog and the Chross Guide To The Spanking Internet:
The art appeared originally on the cover of a Man’s Epic magazine, in connection with an article headlined “Bring out the hostages of Hitler’s death trap!”
It doesn’t look good for Our Heroines; they appear to be destined to suffer in chains until they can balance no longer, at which point they’ll fall over onto the sharp stakes. What a waste!
Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:
Great looking illustration. Lots of drama and animation.
I don’t think WW2 imagery is relevant anymore. Your site especially has crossed this threshold. The majority of your most recent (especially your idea of ‘bondage art’) posts have featured a lot of nazi imagery, and many of your own commentaries suggest that not only you, but your ‘audience’ are uncomfortable with the symbology- you suggest photoshopping svastikas, or entire nazi guys out of pictures.
If nothing else, the Nazis must have good hairdressers in their hell camps,,,
A heh for odh120 and a LOL for brithebri.
Relevant or not, Brith, Bondage Blog is built largely on found treasures, and when it comes to pulp art from the middle-late 20th century that could pass the US censors, that means a lot of Nazis. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s “relevant” — it’s what’s there.
The single remark about photoshopping out the Nazi with the whip (almost a whole year ago, do try to keep up please!) was intended to be flip and humorous.
My only comment about Brith is something my mother always said: Never speak ill of the brain dead. My question is, does anyone know who the artist is?