Steel Hand Trap

The other day I saw a needle-play picture on a Tumblr that made me cringe and scroll (away) like a maniac. Somebody’s hand was just bristling with those thin needles you usually see in BDSM, but the novel thing was they were under her/his fingernails in the horrifying tradition of ancient torturers, not stuck through fleshy parts as we usually see today. Not for me! Squick! Safeword! But there’s no doubt somebody was having fun.

I thought of that picture when I saw this Sex and Metal steel Hand Trap at The Stockroom. If you had a reason you wanted all the fingers to stay right where you put them, this would be a very handy (*cough*) device indeed:

steel hand trap and finger immobilization device

Of course I know a couple of women around here who would just use this thing (possibly in concert with some heavier immobilization tech) to give their men non-consensual manicures and “do up” their fingernails all pretty with nail polish…

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

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4 comments on “Steel Hand Trap”:

Supertwig commented on July 24th, 2012 at 10:27 pm:

What was the tumblr URL? I love needle play, love the steel hand clamps as well

Rope Guy commented on July 25th, 2012 at 8:06 am:

Can’t help you, sorry, it was just a thing I saw but didn’t note at the time.

FetLoverKen commented on April 30th, 2020 at 3:22 pm:

I’m looking for a “Steel Handtrap” like the one in the pic. Stockroom no longer sell them. Ken

Rope Guy commented on May 1st, 2020 at 2:57 pm:

Ken, the Handtrap was from Sex And Metal originally, and their website is gone. The last capture by Internet Archive was in 2018. So unless you get really lucky on eBay or manage to find a toy seller that has a dusty one still in stock, I am afraid you may be out of luck.

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