It’s A Trap! (A Nipple Trap, That is)
Rat traps and mouse traps have always been handy substitutes for nipple clamps. So seeing them used as “nipple traps” in this brutal interrogation scene by Hedon is not a surprise. And hey, catching nipples in these traps saves on the cost of the cheese and peanut butter you need when setting them for rodents:
Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:
The serrated wedge on which the detainee is balanced is a nice touch and looks just as uncomfortable as the clamps, at the risk of overloading the detainee when combined with a caning as well.
Inspired by an old British army march perhaps?
Have you ever caught your bollocks in a rat trap?
– in a rat trap or a vice?
Have you ever caught your bollocks in a rat trap?
‘T isn’t nice!
I don’t know the name of the tune though.