1980s Bondage Stroke Books

There are plenty of F.E. Campbell bondage fiction excerpts and Robert Bishop stroke book covers in the Bondage Blog archives. Both are from books sold by House of Milan (sometimes HOM or H.O.M.) in the 70s and 80s, including the HIT and Fellowes series by Frank Campbell (the latter illustrated by “Ashley”). As near as I can tell, full page ads in the back of HOM bondage magazines were a primary sales channel. This one is from a 1982 magazine:

HOM bondage paperbacks advertisement

Click the above image to see it bigger.

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Harnessed For Travel

At the age of twenty, Barbara is being sent off by her family to a kinky finishing school for rich young ladies. The matron sent to escort her does not believe in brooking any nonsense, nor risking any escapes:

Mrs. Merridew held up a jumble of polished leather, at sight of which Barbara could not restrain a wince. “I’m glad you’re wearing just simple things, Miss. If you’ll just turn ‘round now… won’t take a minute.”

It had to be a dream, a nightmare, an hallucination! Dazedly and with averted eyes Barbara obeyed the motherly injunction.

“They’re simple and effective, M’lady.” Mrs. Merridew was anxious to assure. “Don’t ‘urt the dears at all, but keeps ‘em snug and tight. And with the cape… there ain’t a soul wot can ever know.” Her practiced hands were deft and strong.

The enforced penitent stood. The urge to strike, to scream, to run was strong. But, passively, Barbara allowed her waist to be circled by a broad and shiny leather band. With laces at the back Mrs. Merridew was ensuring that it became punitively tight. The captive of the leather understood now the earlier admonition that she wear no corset. She flushed as a sturdy knee at her bottom was employed to counter the tugging of stout hands. Inconsequently she considered that someone had spent a tidy sum upon the harness. It looked expensive. It had contracted her middle to a dimension both flattering and frightening. “Good thing I brought the small one. Lovely waist you got, Miss.” Mrs. Merridew was panting. “Now if you’ll just let me ‘ave yer ‘and…“

Once more the inconceivable. It was not until the soft strap was snug about her wrists, buckled and its end deftly inserted into its waiting loop that Barbara fully comprehended the actuality of her restraint. A laced belt holding on each side a wristlet by which a hand was made captive sufficiently at the rear so that its reaching fingers could touch nothing other than the costly leather to which it was irretrievably anchored. Never, never could a hand touch its twin or reach the laces knotted behind the waist. “Miss Amory calls it an ‘ensemble,’ ” said Mrs. Merridew eyeing her work complacently. “Lovely bit O’ work it is for sure. Try and get your ‘ands free, dear. Show ‘er Ladyship wot I mean.”

Barbara’s own curiosity prompted compliance. She was aware of the flushing of her cheeks as she tugged and twisted to no avail. She was utterly and completely helpless. But there was no pain, no true discomfort. She had been neatly converted into a package for disposal. She looked from one to the other of her audience in mute dismay.

From Barbara by F.E. Campbell.

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Humiliating Military Punishment

I’m not convinced that the President’s Guard in this particular mythical post-colonial African country is what we’d call a professional military organization by any stretch of the imagination. But they sure do take a stern line on punishing resistance to sexual harassment:

For Trudy Ramsay the day promised to be long.

She suspected it was no more than half done. She longed to scream at the injustice of what was being done to her. But she had been warned about screaming. It would be wiser to suffer in modest silence, with perhaps just an occasional moan.

The flat top of the post was about the same diameter as her bare bottom. Obviously they had been made for each other. The post was in the middle of the Barrack Square. Naked, she sat astride it for all to see. She had disgraced the guard uniform, so it had been taken from her. She would not have sat upon this four-foot-high perch had it not been for the ankle clamps. They were metal. At a cunning angle they fastened one of her feet to each side of the post, bent so that her knees stuck out and all her weight rested on her bottom. To complete the ensemble of penitence her wrists were unkindly tied at the small of her back. Trudy Ramsay was most definitely a fixture.

But, this being Zindawba, there had to be more. Unhappily she recalled her first sight of the coarse sandpaper glued to the circle of wood on which she must sit. It would have been bad enough without Sergeant Galla’s dictum. “Sandpaper’s better with a tender rump, love. Lie over my lap.”

The spanking had been shaming and hurt more than she would have supposed.

When the sergeant was breathless there was another girl proffering her knees and the impacts of her palm. And another, and another… In all, nineteen. By the time they were through with spanking her, Trudy’s bottom was ablaze and a fiery red. There had been no animosity in any of the slaps but they had hurt just the same. They had then all helped hoist her up on the stub of timber and fastened her ankles in the clamps, tightening the bolts with a spanner. It was all very efficient, and most unkind.

Sergeant Galla had summed it all up succinctly: “You shouldn’t have bit the warrant officer’s dink, love.”

“He shouldn’t have tried to shove it in my mouth.”

But that had all been gone over at her trial. It was generally conceded she had got off lightly. W.O. Ringbolt had demanded she be flogged. He had been conciliated only by the sergeant’s insistence that she was very new to Zindawba and would probably be a more obedient girl next time she was so honored.

“We have to, love. Al of us. He’s a terror, he is! But it makes a change from getting it up the other place below.”

Trudy had gained no solace from the sophistry.

With her blazing seat solidly planted on the sandpaper, and quite unable to move it an inch, she saw no solace anywhere. The day stretched endlessly. After it there would be others. Making the best she could of her plight, she mentally reviewed her life, so far, in the President’s Guard…

From Beloved Bonds by F.E. Campbell.

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Tied To The Wagon Wheel

In Caroline, by F.E. Campbell, our heroine is punished with a simple but painful endurance tie:

Caroline Dover followed her owner out into the morning. She did not instantly grasp that the wagon wheel was the instrument of torture. When it was made clear to her, she exclaimed, “But it goes around and around! You mean, I–”

“Today is for repairs and rest. The wagon will not move.”

“I suppose I won’t move either?”

Mais certainment! How did you guess?”

Caroline was vexed by how little she was prone to anger with this man. She was sure she should be in hysterics. If this wheel spelt punishment, the least she could expect would be a day of discomfort. She kept her voice under control. “Do you want me to position myself some way?”

“You kneel–your feet back with a spoke between–and I’ll do the rest.”

She felt silly, like a small girl being instructed in a strange new duty. Curious, she looked back to watch her ankles being tied. With a spoke between, they could not be withdrawn. Her binding had begun.

“I think ye seek my shame. Like this–before all the camp?”

“They’ve all see ye naked, and there’s none here watching now.”

“But when you’re gone, they’ll come quickly enough! Will they switch me with the willows?”

“There will be no willows.” Dubois lifted her left hand as high as her arm would stretch. Studiously, he began to tie its scarlet wrist to the rim. “You’ll find this wheel unkind enough without any willows.”

“Or is it the way you tie me?”

He had her right hand now, its wrist hard against the metal tire and hardwood felloe. His care and precision in its binding was the same as with her left. They were identically placed on the outer perimeter of the wagon wheel, stretched high and wide to compel the captive girl hard back against the hub. As on a previous occasion, Caroline found herself looking down at tautened and protruding breasts.


Dubois’s question held a chuckle. The tied girl could now comprehend what her day would be like. The hub was pressing into the small of her back in a way to presage distress to come. Nor could she move to find easement. Her arms were tied too tight and too far out for that. As though to make quite sure, Dubois now tied each of them above the elbow hard back against a spoke. The pressure against her back and the arrogance of breasts was now doubled. Their owner’s retort was bitter.

“I might bear this if you had not tied my elbows. I can see why you used the word ‘unkind.'” Beseechingly, the bound girl gazed up into smiling eyes. “Please–not my elbows!”

Nodding in satisfaction at his work, Jean Dubous stepped back for a leisurely contemplation, intense enough to make his victim blush. Knowing herself condemned, Caroline said nothing, but bowed her head to hide her hurt. He soon went away and left the girl on the wheel alone. Knowing that he was gone, she struggled. But it only hurt her more, so she scarcely moved at all. It hurt a little even to breathe. It would be best to remain submissively still. Resigned to her fate, she once more bent her head.

Dubois was leisurely in his return. Approaching soundlessly, he was able to survey his captive for almost a minute before she sensed his presence and raised her head. Caroline’s greeting was simple.

“I hurt.”

Dubois nodded. “You will come to hate that wheel.”

“Must you keep me tied to it? I cannot move.”

He shrugged his most eloquent of shrugs. “That is the way of the wheel, cherie, and you are on it.”

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Rock Punishment

A long time ago, I read a story in a bondage stroke book — perhaps one of the very many penned by F.E. Campbell? — about a unique bondage punishment. This slavegirl thought she was all that and a box of cookies, so her annoyed master just had an iron stake driven in the center of a never-visited courtyard. And then he chained her ankle to the stake. There she sat, day after day, unable to do anything but sit or stand within twenty inches of the stake. Every day, once a day, an unspeaking servant would come and leave a bit of food and water. At night, she shivered. During the day, she baked in the sun. She swatted bugs. And she slowly went half-mad from boredom. She was extremely eager to please by the time her master finally relented and released her from the stake!

chained to a boulder and left there forever

Until I stumbled over the above photo compilation, I never saw this scenario depicted in visual bondage porn. Probably because it’s a scenario that’s low-drama and not much happens. I’m impressed by how much effort went into these pictures. Nobody pours a concrete pad and uses heavy equipment to set a decorative boulder on it just to shoot a photoset. A lot of effort went into setting up this slave-restraint area, which makes me think the girl actually spent more than one night on that chain! At least, unlike my fictional bondage heroine, she gets a cushy dogbed to curl up on at night.

Sadly, I don’t have a source for these photos. Let me know if you know where they came from!

Update: Lots of people are telling me this is Dee (Doh! I should have recognized her) from Luvbight.com, probably appearing on the old site that’s mostly not there any more.

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Moira’s Bondage Bastinado

Almost sixteen years ago I published this little Robert Bishop illustration featuring a well-tied girl about to suffer a lengthy session of bondage foot caning. It originally appeared on the cover of an F.E. Campbell HOM strokebook called Moira In Jeopardy, Part Two:

bondage bastinado House Of Milan stroke book cover art

Here’s another image of the same cover:

Moira In Jeopardy Part Two cover scan

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

An Afternoon Ride On A Fence Rail

It’s a long painful afternoon, but everything still works afterwards despite what she thinks:

At noon I was allowed a plate of cold biscuits and a pail of water. then I was placed upon a fence rail and left there to ride the rail until supper. The rail was rough hewn wood, with sharp ridges. It wasn’t too wide but enough to take my weight. A portion in the center had been sanded down until it was smooth and free of splinters but still had a ridge along the top. My arms were still bound behind my back, elbows touching, naturally, when Juan and Mendosa lifted me then set me down over that rail. The ridge I mention was squarely centered on my crotch and dug in as soon as some of my weight came to rest on it. I tried to tell them that it hurt terribly and that I would be injured if I had to sit there. They found my protests amusing.

My legs were tied to the rails below the one I was sitting on. But the fence was tall enough so that I could not touch the ground with my toes. The last part of the bondage was a short length of rope Mendosa looped around my neck then passed down my back to my wrists. The rope circled that already around my wrists then was pulled back up towards my neck. My hands had to come up on my back and my elbows stuck out. When he tied the knot, my hands were in the small of my back and I had to strain a bit to keep them up there. They laughed about something as they left me.

It hurt. That’s the first thing you have to understand. The wooden ridge dug into my flesh and there was no way I could ease any of my weight off it. And I quickly found out that the best thing I could do was sit straight up and not move. The top of my body could bend forward, backward a bit, and even to the side. But that motion only put sideways stressed upon my crotch and made the wood hurt more.

As time passed, the pain changed and grew. It became more of an ache than a sharp pain. It gnawed at me, an insistent ache that I could do nothing about. I tried to get my hands free, but that did nothing save pull on the rope attached to my neck. And that became worse as the hours passed because if I let my arms relax, the hands tried to lower and that tightened the rope around my neck. It was horrible.

When Juan came back that evening, I was crying softly and was a very pathetic girl. As he untied me from that torture, I tried to tell him that my sex had been ruined and would never work again, an idea that saddened me greatly. To have just discovered sex and then be denied it for the rest of your life is not a pleasant thought. But he laughed at my stammerings, telling me that other girls had ridden the rail and their sex still worked — he knew that for a fact.

From Valley Of The Captive Maidens by F.E. Campbell.

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