The other day when I posted a detail from the cover of Bizarre #4, Cardy speculated that uncensored pics might be found within the magazine, which sadly I do not have and cannot find “in the wild” on the internet. However, I do have a scholarly and learned friend with a very deep library of books about 20th-century pulp and sexploitation material, so I asked him if he could help. And indeed, he could! In the pages of his copy of Bad Mags: The Strangest, Sleaziest, Most Unusual Periodicals Ever Published! (Volume One) by Tom Brinkmann (Headpress Books, London, 2008) there is a very brief issue-by-issue summary rundown of the contents of the full run (as far as the author is aware) of this magazine.
It turns out that Bizarre #4 did not contain more images or information about the movie, but as evidenced above, there was a movie review with a related cauldron photo in Bizarre #3:
A film review of Boiled Alive follows with the blurb, “They sashayed right into the stewpot dragging their fannies behind them.” This movie is featured in other sexploitation film slicks of the time with the same set of photos of Titus Moody, Hondo Rio, and the usual cast of characters. In fact the models/actors seen in the pies look to be the same as those in the Depravers film stills in BIZARRE #1, with the addition of another male and female. Maybe they made two films the same day?
The cover of the fourth issue of BIZARRE (Mar 68) is adorned with a still from the movie featured in the previous issue, Boiled Alive, and Titus Moody is there, center stage, along with Hondo Rio off to one side. The still depicts a large cauldron, or cannibal pot, with two naked-except-for-panties women being tormented by their male captors as flames lick the side of the cauldron.
As you can see this photo lacks the black editorial censorship pasties, but was coyly posed to make them somewhat less necessary.
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