Double Bondage Blowjob

This blowjob from two bondage slaves is perhaps from a defunct-since-2008 website called Reaper’s Bondage:

blonde and brunette bondage slaves suck the same cock

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Bondage Foot Torment

If you’re at all ticklish, you might think that having your feet licked while imprisoned in heavy wooden stocks would be an exquisite torment. And you are probably right!

domme is licking some cute feet that are imprisoned in heavy stocks

But if you’re thinking “Oh, hurt me like that all day, do your worst” then please do not forget: mean people also have electricity toys and they aren’t afraid to use them.

electrosex violet wand electrotorture for the pretty tickle model in the foot stocks

Photos are from the 18-Year-Old Foot Tickle Slut shoot at

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Kiss The Girls And Tie Them Up

I haven’t seen the 1966 Bond-movie spoof Kiss The Girls And Make Them Die but this pretty bound and gagged woman is a detail on the movie poster:

movie poster art of a kneeling woman with her hands tied behind her back and a cloth gag around her mouth

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Bedroom Bondage Blowjob

Handcuffs, chains, and cock worship — all of the ingredients for a bedroom bondage adventure!

handcuffed wife sucking cock while handcuffed kneeling beside her bed

From Kinky Delight.

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

Nazi Captive

I assume these Nazi goons have a good reason for stringing this blonde up to the side of a lighthouse, right?

blonde badly roped to the exterior of a tall coastal building

Illustration is from the November 1962 issue of Man’s Daring magazine.

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

High Capacity Orgasm Machine

How many orgasms can this machine force upon an unwilling captive? We don’t know yet, but it looks like a lot:

bondage orgasm machine

Artwork is by PixelJail.

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog:

“Bad Bondage” Blowjob

There’s no such thing as a bad blowjob, so they say, but you can definitely have a bad bondage blowjob, if by that you mean a bondage blowjob where the bondage is bad, which I do:

vintage bondage bj with terrible bondage

This is very much in the style of the terrible “clothesline bondage” porn that was so prevalent back in the 1970s.

Elsewhere on Bondage Blog: